Human Companion Name
First Name
Last Name
Your location (town)
Phone Number
How did you hear about us?
How long have you had your dog?
Have you done any formal training with your dog? If so, where?
What would you like to get most out of Structured Day Camp?
Dog's Name
Dog's breed (best guess if you are not sure!)
Dog's age (or best guess!)
If the dog has a disability, please leave a brief description below.
Does the dog have a history of the following: *
Please check all that apply.
Aggression towards dogs
Aggression towards humans
Biting other dogs
Biting humans
None of the above
Does the dog have a history of the following behaviors: *
Please select all that apply
Pulling on-leash
Does not come when called or "bolts"
Consistent whining or shaking
Barks, growls or bares teeth at other dogs
Barks, growls or bares teeth at humans
Plays too rough with other dogs
Does not respond to commands like "sit", "stay", or "leave it"
None of the above
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
I understand that there is a two day per week minimum to enroll in day camp and the cost is $55 - $65 per day. I understand that day camp is not a replacement for training, but serves as a supplement, as it includes enrichment, mental stimulation, and exercise. I understand that Off-Leash Excursions chooses the dogs who get to join this program and our decisions are based on the dog’s behavior, and the human's commitment to training them.
I have read and understand the information above.